Why should I get a Male Brazilian waxing?
So you’ve been checking out several websites and researching all about the male brazilian waxing. You just can’t seem to decide whether...
A Male Brazilian Waxing... Start your New Year off with a popular male grooming routine.
You’ve been researching for a couple of years now. Perhaps you’ve been procrastinating on making that call. Here are some things to...
Thinking of Getting Your First Male Brazilian Waxing?
You can let your worst fears go away… It’s truly not as bad as you think or many men who get this done regularly would never return for...
A Gentleman’s Guide to Manscaping
Definition: man·scap·ing; ˈmanˌskāpiNG/; nouninformalhumorous noun: manscaping; noun: man-scaping The removal or trimming of hair on a...
Don't Shave Anymore... Waxing Can Leave You Smoother for Longer
Unwanted hair can be a pain to get rid of. You can waste hours shaving, trimming then plucking, but those darned hairs still come back...
Relieving the 3 Biggest Fears Men Have About Male Brazilian Waxing
Brazilian waxing is on its way to becoming as popular for men as it has been for women since the 80’s. Like women, men are opting to be...
Attention Gentlemen!!! Waxing Isn’t Just For Women Anymore…
Waxing has been done for centuries (primarily by women) as a preferred method of hair removal. Especially since the 1980s, Brazilian...
Is Waxing A Painful Experience?
This truly depends on your pain threshold. Any pain felt is temporary and some feel it more than others. It is a momentary pain when the...
What Is a Brazilian Waxing?
Brazilian waxing is the removal of all the hair from the genitalia. Women have been doing it for years but since the 1980′s, the Male...