Am I a good candidate for waxing?

(/con·tra·in·di·ca·tion/ (-in″dĭ-ka´shun)
Any condition which renders a particular line of treatment improper or undesirable.
It is highly advisable to read the contraindications to see if you are a good candidate for waxing.
Waxing is a clinical procedure and if you are taking any medications or have any symptoms listed below, then you would NOT be a good candidate.
The provided information below will help you make an informed decision if you will be a good candidate for waxing.
It is important that you let me know about any medications that you are taking and/or any skin products that you are using. This can ensure a safe and successful waxing experience. If you are taking or have taken any of these medications within the past three months PLEASE inform me prior to scheduling an appointment.
Do You Take Any of The Medications Listed Below?
Accutane (Acne medication) No waxing for 1 yr after the last dose
Adapalene (Acne medication) No waxing for 1 yr after the last dose
Alustra (Retin A) Antibiotics Avage (Tazorac – Acne medication)
Avita (type of Retin A) Clindamycin Differin (Acne medication)
Doxycycline Erythromycin Isotretinoin (like Accutane)
Nadifloxicine Metronidazole Minocycline
Renova (Retin A)
Retin A
Tazarac (Acne medication)
Tazarotene (like Tazorac)
Tretinoin (like Retin A)
If you are currently using any of the following, please inform your technician. These products can make the skin more sensitive. Thin, sensitive skin is more vulnerable to lifting and sensitivity during waxing. Permanent scarring can result if you are taking such medication and do not inform your esthetician.
Other Acne medications not listed above
Bleaching agents for hair (used mostly for upper lip)
Bleaching agents for pigmentation of skin (Hydroquinone, Trilumena)
Previous chemical depilatories such as Nair
Benzoyl Peroxide (ProActive)
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (Glycolic, Lactic)
Oral Antibiotics (You must wait 2 to 3 weeks after your last dose)
Topical Antibiotics (You must wait 2 to 3 weeks after your last dose)
Salicylic Acid
Other exfoliants (microdermabrasion/dermaplaning/chemical peels)
Precautions & Considerations: Please read these valuable guidelines.
Sunburned, irritated, or areas with open skin cannot be waxed
Moles cannot be waxed and will be waxed around the mole
You must wait a minimum of seven (7) days before waxing after a light chemical or Microdermabrasion
Waxing cannot be performed if you have been in a tanning booth the same day
Waxing cannot be performed if you have had laser skin resurfacing within the past year
Waxing cannot be performed if you have had a physician administered peel within the past two (2) years
No sun/tanning booths for 2 days following a waxing treatment
Extra precaution should be taken if using tanning accelerators
Wait 2-3 days to wax before/after tanning with accelerators
No hot baths up to 72 hours following a body waxing treatment
No abrasives up to 72 hours following a waxing treatment
No deodorants for 24 hours following an underarm waxing treatment
Women may experience extra sensitivity to waxing up to a week prior to the beginning of their menstruation
It is not safe to wax over eczema or psoriasis skin types
Waxing over these dormant areas can activate an episode resulting in scarring, lifting, and painful healing times
There are always sensitive skin varieties with terminal hair (deeply rooted thick hair) that react traumatically when waxed. Such reactions may include small whiteheads, blisters, and perhaps welts. The skin may itch and we recommend you take Benedryl and apply Calamine lotion or Aquaphor (always check with your doctor first if you can take these over-the-counter medications) until symptoms subside, normally 72 hours after waxing, it is very important to avoid direct sun exposure the first 3 days after being waxed to prevent blistering, scabbing, hyperpigmentation, and blotchy skin.
When you visit Simply Mia's (Seattle's Best Male Brazilian Waxing) I will go over all contraindications during the intake process to make sure you are a good candidate for waxing.